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Tell Your

The Process









After you submit your information our team will contact you by phone or email to schedule a time and place for the interview. We will create a list of talking points and life events for the interview, unique to you. We will then discuss sensitive subjects and set boundaries for the interview. Interviews are often held at the Stewart Library on Weber State University Campus, but they can be done at your home, a separate location, or online. 

On the day of the interview, two members of the Queering the Archives team will meet with you. Sessions usually last between an hour and an hour and a half. If more time is required, further sessions may be scheduled. These sessions are recorded for transcript purposes. As the interviewee you have full control on what is released including the recorded video and audio.  

After the interview is finished, the recording is uploaded to automatic transcription software that changes it from audio to text. Our team then edits further to improve clarity. Our team then sends a copy for you to edit, remove, or add to your story. You will always have the final say in how your story is told.

​Once we receive your final edits, we are ready to publish, however, we won't publish without your explicit permission. You get to choose when you want your interview published, if it's anonymous, and if you want the video released or just the transcript. We'll also send you a bound copy of your interview that you keep!

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The Process









After you submit your information our team will contact you by phone or email to schedule a time and place for the interview. We will create a list of talking points and life events for the interview, unique to you. We will then discuss sensitive subjects and set boundaries for the interview. Interviews are often held at the Stewart Library on Weber State University Campus, but they can be done at your home, a separate location, or online. 

On the day of the interview, two members of the Queering the Archives team will meet with you. Sessions usually last between an hour to an hour and a half. If more time is required, further sessions may be scheduled. These sessions are recorded for transcript purposes. As the interviewee you have full control on what is released including the recorded video and audio.  

After the interview is finished, the recording is uploaded to automatic transcription software that changes it from audio to text. Our team then edits further to improve clarity. Our team then sends a copy for you to edit, remove, or add to your story. You will always have the final say in how your story is told. 

Once we receive your final edits, we are ready to publish. However, we won't publish without your explicit permission. You get to choose when you want your interview published, if it's anonymous, and if you want the video released or just the transcript. We'll also send you a bound copy of your interview that you keep!


© 2023 by Weber State University, Special Collections

3921 Central Campus Dr, Ogden, UT 84408


(801) 626-6540


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